Traveling for a Cause

 In September 2004, Travelennium officially decided to concentrate on making a difference in the Mid-South. Our challenge was to create a program that would tie in a theme of travel and also be worthy enough to make a positive impact in the community. The result received overwhelming support from the community and overwhelming gratitude from shelter and homeless residents.

The result was
Traveling for a Cause.

What is the cause?

There are many shelters in our community that are the life support for abused/expecting women, homeless families, elderly residents, etc. If you have ever felt down on your luck, lonely, hungry, or all alone, then perhaps you would like to help in our effort to make these fellow residents feel like they belong. Perhaps your small contribution could make a big difference in someone's life.

How you can help?
Whenever you travel, bring back unused (and unopened) complimentary hotel, resort or cruise toiletries such as small soaps, shampoos, deodorant, shaving cream, moisturizer, razors, perfume, etc. Please do not bring any items that are NOT complimentary (towels, bathrobes, etc.)! We are asking all of our employees, clients, vendors & neighbors to donate to this worthy cause. The best thing is, it doesn't cost you anything to help.

Travelennium is currently receiving donations.
We will pick up larger donations from local corporations/individuals, if prior requests are made. You can also pick up drop boxes to put in your workplace, school, church, club, etc.

Travelennium is an active participant in many community and nationwide charitable fund-raising efforts, selected by Travelennium employees. They have donated company-paid employee volunteer time, as well as making financial and travel contributions to the following organizations: Meritan Senior Services, MIFA Adopt-A-Family, Memphis Food Bank, St. Luke's United Methodist Church Food Pantry, Associated Catholic Charities, Salvation Army, Coalition for the Homeless, United Cerebral Palsy, March of Dimes and Make-A-Wish Foundation, to name a few.

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